Publication Files

Once a paper (Short of Full) has been accepted for the conference, authors must upload onto the PROSE review system a set of files to enable it to be published. Authors will receive an email from the PROSE review system asking for the upload of these publication files.

The requirements (which are slightly different for Full and Short papers) are as follows:-

Full Papers

- A word-processor version of the paper in the specified format in MS Word, named imed13-xxx.doc
- A final PDF copy made from the above source files, named imed13-xxx.pdf
- A separate MS word document containing an abstract to be published in the Conference Digest, named imed13-xxx-abstract.doc

Short Papers

- An MS word document containing the short paper in the specified format to be published in the Conference Digest, named imed13-xxx-abstract.doc.

(Assuming the number of the paper is imed13-xxx).

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